\ Loans in CHF - DPPL
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Loans in CHF

Since 2017, we have been providing legal assistance to individuals who have taken out loans in CHF (loans linked to CHF currency, including loans indexed or denominated to CHF).


We advise clients and represent clients at every stage of the case, starting with obtaining the necessary documents and information from the bank, through other pre-trial actions, proceedings before regional and appellate courts and, if necessary, proceedings before the Supreme Court.

We also advise and represent clients on issues relating to settlement agreements with the bank.


Relying on the many years of experience of our law firm’s team, in pleadings and in court proceedings we present arguments regarding abusive contractual clauses used by banks, the contradiction of contracts with the provisions of Polish banking law and European Union law. We also draw attention to breaches of the contractual balance of the parties, the unequal distribution of risk between the parties to the contract and the gross failure of the bank to comply with its information obligations.

We always take into account and make a legal assessment of the individual situation of a specific client.


Our legal services are tailored to the needs of the client. The legal assistance performed by our law firm includes, among other things:

analysis of the agreement and other documents relating to the loan linked to the Swiss franc currency;

individual analysis of the borrower’s legal situation in a dispute with the bank;

– calculation of the estimated benefits of “de-franking” or cancellation of the agreement concluded with the bank;

– presentation and selection of the optimum litigation strategy for the client;

representation before courts in cases involving loans in CHF;

– representation before courts in cases involving the reclaiming of premiums for low own contribution insurance;

– legal assistance to borrowers sued by banks after termination of the agreements of loan in CHF.


The practice concerning loans in CHF is headed by attorney-at-law Wojciech Drobot.


e-mail: drobot@dpplegal.pl,
telephone: +48 608 025 493,
ul. Smoleńsk 29, 31-112 Kraków.

Attorney at law Wojciech Drobot

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